Project Management Tool for Business Growth

Desklog – Best Project Time Tracking Software

Desklog: Your Time, Your Projects, Your Success

About Desklog

Desklog – Elevating Productivity with Certified Time Tracking

Introducing Desklog, the ISO 27001:2013 certified time tracking software that’s transforming the way businesses manage and enhance employee productivity. Officially launched in 2019, Desklog is more than just a tool; it’s a commitment to drive accountability, transparency, and efficiency.

Desklog isn’t just any time tracking software; it’s the catalyst for optimizing employee performance and encouraging them to deliver their best. It’s the only software you’ll ever need, suited for teams of all sizes and enriched with comprehensive features. These features include time tracking, staff attendance management, app and URL monitoring, screen surveillance, offline time tracking, and more. It’s an all-in-one solution tailored to elevate your productivity.

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Superior Project Management Software Solution

Control your business, anytime, anywhere.

How It Works

What sets apart?

Unlock the full spectrum of Desklog’s advanced features and propel your team’s productivity to unprecedented heights. With Desklog, you’ll harness powerful tools designed to optimize task management, time tracking, and project collaboration, allowing your team to work smarter and more efficiently. This comprehensive platform offers a range of advanced features that empower you to streamline workflows, enhance project planning, and gain deeper insights into your team’s performance. From real-time tracking and reporting to seamless task assignment and progress monitoring, Desklog equips your team with the capabilities they need to excel. Say goodbye to productivity roadblocks and hello to a more streamlined, productive future with Desklog. Your team deserves the best tools to succeed, and Desklog is here to deliver. Elevate your productivity game today.

The Desklog Advantage:

With Desklog, success is no longer a distant dream. They offer a user-friendly interface and advanced functionalities, supporting businesses to reach new heights. We firmly believe in revolutionizing productivity management, and Desklog is your key to achieving that transformation. Together, let’s rewrite the rules of business and pave the way for a more productive future.

Enhanced Accuracy

Rest assured with precision, so you can concentrate on your work confidently and without concern.

Efficient Project Management

From planning to execution, we offer real-time insights to optimize your team’s project to greater heights.

Streamlined Task & Time Tracking

Enhance your workflow with our automated task and time tracking, freeing you to prioritize your core objectives.

Flexible Accessibility

Enjoy the freedom to track your time & manage your tasks from anywhere, anytime, with our accessible time tracking solution.

Enhanced Productivity

Our time tracking software streamlines your workflow, boosting productivity as never before.

Precise Billing

Ensure accurate and consistent billing, getting paid what you deserve, without missing billable hours.

Frequently Asked Questions to

How does Desklog monitor work hours effectively?

Monitor your work hours accurately with Desklog Time Tracking Software, an automated productivity tracking tool that records your online, idle, and offline time for precise tracking.

How does Desklog Monitor and Enhance Productivity?

Desklog is a complimentary time-tracking software that simplifies employee monitoring. It boasts features like Automated Timesheets, Project Time Tracking, and Optional Screenshots, collectively contributing to work efficiency.

Is Desklog programmed to automatically monitor all my activities once it's installed?

Once you’ve installed the Desklog app on your computer and logged into your account, it will initiate automatic activity tracking. To halt activity monitoring, simply log out after each work session.

Does Desklog monitor your screen?

Desklog doesn’t screen track by default. However, we offer automated screenshot functionality as an opt-in feature for those wishing to monitor their team’s screens. This capability is exclusively accessible in our business and enterprise plans.

How can Desklog monitor remote work effectively?

Enhance your oversight of remote employee productivity with powerful time tracking software. Desklog, a free time tracking solution, automatically logs clock-in and clock-out times for remote staff, generating detailed timesheets. This insight allows you to assess the effectiveness of their work hours.

What exactly is Desklog's work timeline feature, and how does it operate?

A work timeline is a visual depiction, often in the form of a bar graph, that illustrates various time intervals within a day’s schedule. It typically includes segments for time spent on work tasks, idle periods, and personal time. For instance, when a user logs into the application, the work time is depicted by a green bar. If the user becomes idle for a specific duration, this is represented by a yellow bar. Likewise, personal time is indicated by a red bar. The work timeline essentially encompasses all these recorded time intervals, providing a comprehensive view of the day’s activities.

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