At the end of the day, search engine optimization is all about attracting real human beings to your website. If you are able to make them convert into paying customers, then you have truly succeeded in marketing online. This means that keywords are important when writing your title tags and meta descriptions for each page on your site. Of course, content is also very important – but remember that people will come back if they found what they were looking for the first time around!

SEO can be such a difficult and time-consuming process. Especially if you’re doing it yourself or for your business, without the help of an SEO expert company. Many people believe that having a strong SEO strategy will make their website more visible on search engines like Google and Bing, which translates into more organic traffic and leads. But there’s so much to learn about SEO that sometimes we lose focus on what really matters—building links, writing content that ranks well in search engines, optimizing images and codes. This article will help you to understand the basics of seo and the advanced SEO Tips to follow in 2022 inorder to gain more website Traffic and to be on the first page of google, yahoo, bing and other search engines.

Table of Contents

What is search engine optimization (SEO)?

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of affecting the online visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine’s unpaid results. Some SEO techniques are white hat, such as building high-quality sites with content that engages and inspires, while some are black hat, such as link spamming and keyword stuffing. The current state of SEO is focused more on quality than quantity by using white hat tactics.

The purpose of SEO is to get traffic from the search engines, which will hopefully convert into paying customers. It can also help you build authority in your niche and improve your brand’s online visibility. Your site’s ranking on Google is largely determined by its relevance to what people are searching for. That means that you need more than just high-quality content on your website–you also need best SEO practices to rank well. Regardless if you want to increase traffic or pick up new clients through your website then it’s important to consider how search engines operate.

Why is SEO important?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is important because more people are starting to use Google to find information on products, services, and entertainment. There are many specific elements of SEO that help boost your site in the rankings, but they all require time and effort to implement correctly. When you optimize your page for search engines it helps get your page higher in rankings when someone searches for keywords related to your business or product. This allows you to get more traffic by just optimizing what you already have online.

SEO is a great return on investment (ROI). The cost of an SEO campaign is nominal when compared with the amount of visitors and leads generated by this channel. According to a recent study, 72% of online businesses rank organic search as their top traffic source for generating leads. So taking your time and doing your homework on SEO will help you.


10 Advanced SEO Techniques for 2022


# Create a blog on your website .

When it comes to building a website, many webmasters focus on the design and other aesthetic elements. However, if you want to make sure that your website gets more traffic from search engines, then having a blog is an essential part of your strategy. If you want people to find and visit your site regularly, then you need content that they will enjoy. The best way to do that is by creating quality articles for your blog. You can write articles about anything under the sun — just make sure that it has something to do with the industry or niche in which you operate so that people will be looking

# Write articles on trending topics

SEO is a powerful way to increase website traffic. It can be difficult to take advantage of, though, because it’s based on algorithms that change all the time. If you want to see your search engine rankings climb consistently, you need to write content optimized for those keywords and phrases that people are searching for on Google and similar search engines. But not every topic will work as an SEO powerhouse. You need to find topics that are currently “trending” among readers and viewers—the more people searching for a particular topic, the better chance there is of someone seeing your article. The best part about writing articles on trending topics is that they bring organic traffic over time!

These best seo tools will help you to explore trending topics:

  • SEMrush

  • Buzzsumo

  • Quora

  • GoogleTrend

  • Answer the public

  • AHREFs Content Explorer

  • Ubersuggest

  • Exploding Topics

  • Reddit

SEMrush is the best way to find popular content that your audience might be interested in. You can search by keyword, or you can use their trending page to see what’s on the tip of everyone’s tongue. For example, I searched for “content marketing tools” and found SEMrush suggesting this post: The 10 Best Content Marketing Tools of 2018 – A Detailed Analysis . This would be a great blog topic if I was looking to write about top content marketing tools.

To find trending content, you can use SEMrush to search for keywords. Go to the ‘Organic Research’ tab and type in your term into the ‘Keywords’ box – then sort by highest traffic (the first column). See what people are writing about, then write about it!

Buzzsumo is a great tool to find trending content that will be shared on social media. It’s easy to use and free for up to 100 searches per month. To use the Buzzsumo search engine, you need to write your topic in the search bar. Then you can narrow down your results by choosing “social shares” or “total shares.” The difference between them is that total shares includes Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Reddit, StumbleUpon and Google+, while social share only includes Facebook and Twitter. Let’s say you want to write an article about how to start a company podcast. You enter that into Buzzsumo and it will come back with different articles on that topic, as well as pages which link out to those articles, social shares of those articles, people who tweet about them, etc..

Everyone is looking for trending content these days. If you want to drive traffic, you must know what the most popular topics are so that you can write about them. For example, if your audience likes cute animal pictures, then maybe they also like stories about animals being rescued from natural disasters. The best way to find trending content is on Quora. It’s a question-and-answer social network that has become the place to discuss virtually anything under the sun. You can use it as a resource or just search by keyword and see what questions are driving people crazy—then answer those questions yourself!

In the past, you would have to spend time reading through Quora threads to find trending content. Now, you can use a tool called Quorank to search for the most popular questions and answers on Quora. Quorank combines Google’s powerful algorithms with human curation from leading influencers in their respective fields. This combination creates a feed of top-trending information that’s updated hourly. You can use this tool to research niche topics, discover new influencers, and even uncover breaking news stories before they become mainstream media headlines.

Google Trends is one of the most powerful free tools that you can use to find trending content. It gives you an in-depth view into how people search for things on Google. What’s even better is that you can narrow down these searches by location, time frame, and keyword. This means that when you type in a specific term or phrase, it will show you the relative frequency of people searching for it over time.

Answer the Public is one of my favorite tool hosted by Neil Patel for finding trending content. It’s a free seo tool that allows you to enter a keyword and it gives you related questions based on Google Autocomplete results. The list of questions includes: – Questions people actually search for (Google autocomplete) – Questions people ask in forums and Q&A sites like Quora and Yahoo Answers – Questions people post on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. with an hashtag or mention of some kind.

If you’re looking for trending content to produce, it’s obvious that you want to pick something that is already popular. Some of the links on your site will get shared and become viral, which means they are popular already. There are 3 ways to find trending content in AHREFs Content Explorer: The best way to find top performing content is by clicking the “Trending Now” button in the search results page. This will take you to the Trending On Social Media report where you can see what topics/keywords were most shared in social media over a period of

Most of the content you see on social media feeds is not created by big companies. It’s created by regular people with a passion for their industry or cause. These individuals often have blogs or websites they use to post this content, which you can find using UberSuggest. UberSuggest is a free tool that allows you to do keyword research and discover related terms. In addition to being a great source for new blog topics, it can help you find new influencers in your industry who may be able to help expand your social reach.

Ubersuggest is one of the best tools for finding trending topics on reddit. Reddit is a great source of traffic, but it can be very complicated to find something that will actually trend. Ubersuggest makes the process much easier by scraping the entire Reddit front page and doing all of the hard work for you. It shows you exactly what’s trending right now, based on your location, keywords, subreddits or other criteria that you choose. You can take it even further by using Ubersuggest’s sister site – Authority Hacker Lab – to find popular content from across all social media platforms and

Exploding Topics is a topic research tool that shows you the most popular content on sites like Google, Reddit, and YouTube. You can filter by category to find trending content in your niche. For example, I used Exploding Topics to find trending content related to “marketing.” It gave me over 7500 results across 5 different sites! That’s a goldmine of ideas for blog posts. One of my favorite features is their “trending topic notifications,” which allows you to be notified when new relevant topics emerge so you can get ahead of the competition 

HubSpot, a leading inbound marketing tool, has a free service called Exploding Topics. It’s a tool that allows you to find trending content on any topic, and it gives you thousands of potential topics for blog posts. If the purpose of your blog is to generate leads and drive traffic to your website, finding trending content is one of the best ways to do so. If you know what people are searching for on Google, Twitter, and other social media platforms and online communities, then you can create content around those keywords and grow your audience with relative ease.

Find The Most Popular Content To Post On Reddit Today.

Reddit is a site for content sharing and discussion. One way to share content is to post it on subreddits (intended for a specific topic). Reddit has different categories such as: /r/funny, /r/politics, etc. The more upvotes your post gets, the more visible it becomes and the more likely it will stay at the top of the subreddit. So, how to find the most popular content? Find a popular subreddit and see which posts and comments are getting upvoted. You can search for a subreddit directly or search by category.

Steps to finding the most popular content on Reddit today!

1) Go to

2) Type in the search bar the keyword(s) that relate to what you’re looking for.

3) Look for the posts that have the most upvotes.

4) Find the most upvoted comment, and use the link to the website, picture, video, etc.

5) Make sure to change the title of the post to something that’s relevant to your niche.

6) Post it on your Facebook, Twitter, or other social network to attract traffic.

7) You can even post it on Instagram! Make sure to link the picture to the website, use relevant hashtags, etc. It’s important to remember to give credit to the original poster using the source link and/or quote the comment and link the source message.

# How to write good meta descriptions for your blog posts

Meta descriptions are short snippets of text that appear under the title in search engine results. What people see in search is important, because it can affect click through rates (CTRs). 

Tips to write Meta Description :

# 1. Write your meta description like a newspaper article headline. 

It should be compelling and make people want to read more. Use keywords naturally to get higher rankings on Google searches, but do not stuff your meta description with keywords or you will look spammy.

 # 2. Keep your meta descriptions between 150-160 characters (including spaces) for maximum visibility on Google results pages. 

Your meta description should be unique, as search engines such as Google use them as a snippet in search results. Hence, if you have used a duplicate meta description on more than one page of your site, then Google will display only the first instance of this meta description in search engine results. Apart from helping visitors know more about your content, well-written metas also help with

# Use keyword density when writing content

There is a lot of conflicting information on the internet about keyword density, and it’s hard to know who to trust. Does keyword density really matter? Is it better to use long-tail keywords than short ones? What is the ideal ratio of keywords to content? The truth is, you should include keywords in your content. But how many times should you use them? And what are some best practices for including them without appearing spammy or over-optimized? I’ve read several articles that say using your primary keyword 3-5 times throughout your article gives you optimal results.

Keyword density is a key SEO concept that was used to measure how often keywords appeared in content. However, Google has been cracking down on this practice for years now and it’s no longer a dependable way to rank higher in search results. To get more organic traffic from search engines, you need to have keyword-targeted content. But the process of writing keyword-rich content has changed dramatically since Google put its foot down on keyword stuffing. In other words, it’s not enough to add your keyword once or twice within the text of your article. You also need to add your target keywords and should keep keyword density of 2% to get the best result in SERP.

# Use long tail keywords in content

A long-tail keyword is a phrase that contains three or more words, as opposed to a short keyword, which is usually just one word. Many content marketing strategies focus on a few keywords, in an attempt to rank well in search engines for competitive terms. This may work in the beginning when you have less competition, but as your competitors catch wind of these techniques, they will start using them too. 

Currently long-tail keywords are frequently used in content marketing campaigns because they target your audience more effectively and bring you qualified leads with specific problems and needs. 

Long tail keywords are more specific and therefore provide much better opportunities for gaining organic traffic from search engines. Long tail keywords also tend to be easier to rank for since there is considerably less competition. 

# Infographics still have importance for seo in 2022

Infographics still have importance for seo 2022

An infographic is a graphic which helps to convey information quickly and efficiently. Infographics allow us to display data in an interesting way, with statistics or facts arranged in a visually pleasing manner.

In 2021- 2022, Infographic is still an important part of internet marketing, and it’s playing a vital role in increasing website traffic. The present trend is that companies are converting their existing textual content into infographics in order to attract more audience towards their websites. The demand for infographic services has increased significantly in recent years due to its rising popularity as a viral tool for content marketing on the web.

Infographics can help you increase your website rankings as they aid search engines in indexing your content and finding out what’s on offer. They can also be used as social media posts for Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. Infographics appeal to visual learners – if you want to reach the largest audience possible, then it’s important that you create infographics that will be shared across social networks by people who like sharing.

# Build quality backlinks for your website to get website traffic

Building quality backlinks to your website is one of the most important things you can do for your site. SEO (search engine optimization) has become increasingly competitive over the years, and it’s no longer enough to just throw a few keywords in a blog post and expect Google to send you traffic. SEO isn’t about “playing dirty” or manipulating search results; it’s about creating content that people love and want to share.

Link building is the most important part of SEO. Backlinks are what Google uses to determine how relevant your website is, and therefore how high it should rank in the SERPs. There are many methods for link building out there, but not all of them work well. There is no point in doing something that will hurt your site’s rankings or will be blacklisted by Google. That’s why you need to follow these backlink building tips to increase traffic on your website.

Paid links are no longer the only way to get good quality backlinks for your website. There are many ways to build high-quality backlinks that can attract potential customers and boost your brand’s reputation on the web. Here are some of the most effective ways you can build quality backlinks that will drive traffic to your website.

# Use video in your SEO strategy

Video Marketing To Get More Website Visitors From YouTube.

Video is a powerful way to boost your search engine optimization efforts. It helps your content get noticed and shared on social media, which in turn boosts traffic to your site. Video also ranks better on Google, so you get more exposure.

Video is the future of SEO. The use of video content in search engine queries has grown by 400% over the last few years, making videos a valuable tool for increasing your website traffic. People are naturally attracted to images and moving pictures, which makes them perfect for websites looking to increase their rankings on Google. Videos also tend to be longer than other types of content, meaning more words on your page with each video you upload!

# How to optimize the titles and descriptions of your videos for better search

Search engine optimization (SEO) is essential for your videos to get seen by the people who want to see them. The first step in optimizing your videos for search is creating an effective title and description. The goal of both the title and description should be to attract viewers to click play, so they’ll actually watch your video. You can do this by using a formula that incorporates three different elements: a keyword phrase you want to rank for, a relevant topic or brand name, and an emotional hook that will make people want to click on it. Keywords are critical – try more than once.

Not everyone realizes that optimizing video titles and descriptions for search can result in more views, which often leads to more shares. However, if you want people to find your content, you need to optimize it for search engines. Optimizing videos also means thinking about what will make the viewer watch the whole thing. One way of doing this is by including a question or an interesting statistic at the end of each video description. This makes users curious enough to click on the video and watch it all the way through.

# The importance of social media – how it can help you boost traffic to your website

Social media is the ever growing phenomenon. It has now become an important part of our lives, be it businesses or individuals. Social media has opened up new avenues for marketing and advertising your business online. You can reach out to millions of potential customers at the click of a button. However with social networks like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn changing their algorithms frequently you need to stay on top of it if you want to get more traffic from these platforms. Even though the presence on social media is not necessary but it will help increase your website visitors by creating brand awareness among your targeted audience.

Social media has become an integral part of our online existence. Today there are more social media accounts in existence than there are people in the world. People spend over 3 hours a day on their phones, checking Facebook, Instagram or Snapchat. So if you want to reach your target audience, then social media is one of the best ways to do so .

#  How to use social media for SEO purposes

Social media is an extremely valuable tool for companies that want to improve their SEO. You can leverage social media platforms by creating viral content, scheduling posts, generating leads and much more. Social media provides a direct line of communication to your consumers which helps you identify what content they like the most, what kind of value they are looking for, and gives you access to their buying habits. When using social media as a tool for SEO purposes it’s important to remember that the purpose is not only to connect with consumers but also be able to provide them with valuable information at all times. This will help to build trust.

Social media is a big deal. If you are looking for ways to improve your Search Engine Optimization, social media is an excellent place to start. The trick is getting started with the right strategy. If you want to develop a solid social media SEO strategy, try using these tips. Make sure there’s a clear call-to-action in each post. This will help you lead people toward whatever action you want them take next (like making purchases or following you on social networks). Use images when possible, and always include links to your other content in your posts whenever appropriate. Connect with influencers

# What is Google Plus and why should you pay attention to it?

Google Plus is Google’s social network, which was launched in 2011. The site is like a combination of Facebook and Twitter, where users can post status updates, share links and images with others, join interest groups (similar to Facebook Groups) and interact with other members. It’s the mark of Google and they have made sure to keep it active with constant changes, new features and updates. You might be wondering why you should care about another social network when you already have Facebook and Twitter. The reason is simple: If you want to make money online, you need to connect with people out there who will buy your products or services. And if those people use Google Plus, then it’s essential that you learn how to do well on this platform because Google Business is only going to rise.


Hope, this blog has helped you to figure out the Advanced SEO Techniques That can  Boost Your Website Traffic.  You should be able to implement these techniques to improve your search engine rankings. Remember that SEO takes time, but the key is consistency. By working on building up your website’s authority through optimization and adding new content consistently, you will see results over time.

With the proper SEO in place, you can see a significant boost in your website traffic. Eager to learn more about using Search Engine Optimization for your business? Our seo expert team can teach you the right SEO tactics to take in 2022. We’re the leading SEO consulting company located in Calicut, Kerala, India. Contact us on Whatsapp for the best seo tips available!